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Search for a Ski Holiday

Ski Beat has selected one shop in each resort providing good quality equipment and service and has negotiated some great prices!
Equipment can be arranged online by logging onto your booking and clicking on the manage ski packs link up until the Tuesday prior to departure. 
You can also book via the Ski Beat Resort Staff during your transfer to resort.
Pre-booked equipment will be with the following shops:


La Plagne 1800 Ski Love  
Les Arcs Plan Peisey Rental Republic In Chalet fitting service*
Arc 1950 Ski Set  
Val d'Isere Ski Set La Daille  
La Tania Ski Higher In Chalet fitting service*
Meribel Ski Higher In Chalet fitting service*
Val Thorens Twinner or Ski Set  
La Rosière Ski Set Snow Cimes  



Equipment Hire 2017/18 Prices

Prices are shown on to your online booking.  Alternatively, you can review the prices on our individual resort pages - La Plagne, Les Arcs, La Tania, Val d Isere, Val Thorens, Meribel and La Rosière.

In Chalet fitting service*:
The Resort Manager will take details such as shoe size, height, weight, ski preference etc during the coach transfer (or speak to your chalet host if you're making your own way to the chalet), and then the mobile hire team will visit your chalet during the evening to fit your equipment and deal with any queries. If you arrive in resort very late (say after 10.30/11pm), they will come to the chalet between 7.30-8.30am the next morning.

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