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Ski Beat flights and their environmental impact

We are aware that flying has a major impact on the environment. Unfortunately, there is only limited space on the more eco-friendly trains and more importantly most of our guests want to fly. Ski Beat now offers a carbon offset service:
A charge of £1.50 per flight per person will be added to every booking to help offset your carbon emissions. This will be paid to the non-profit making Tourism Industry Carbon Offset Service which is recognised by UNESCO and tourism industry bodies such as the Association of Independent Tour Operators (AITO) to stimulate collective action.

See what has been done with funds received already
To opt out of this charge please tick the box on your booking form to confirm that you do not wish to pay.


Aircraft emissions:

Aircraft engines emit Carbon Dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides and water vapour which all contribute towards the greenhouse effect. Emissions from aircraft at altitude are thought to amplify the damage. Older, less efficient aircraft tend to use more fuel and therefore produce more emissions.

At present, civil aviation aircraft contribute 3.5% of the world's carbon dioxide emissions. This figure perhaps explains why Richard Branson reckons that the aviation industry is being used as a whipping boy. We at Ski Beat certainly think that the aviation industry should do whatever it can particularly bearing in mind that this figure is set to rise significantly if the rate of growth for aviation occurs as predicted. We also wonder why sectors that are responsible for the remaining 96.5% are not attacked in the same way. According to page 3 of the document "Energy and climate change" on the Friends of the Earth website 27% of emissions are caused by households and 29% by all forms of transport. A 13% saving on our household emissions would therefore cover all current emissions from flying. It can certainly be argued that aviation is a relative luxury but a small saving on emissions from other areas will have a bigger effect than a big saving on aviation.

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